Friday, September 4, 2009

Will You Marry Me... Please??

The last weekend was a blast.. literally..

All the anticipation for the production going on and me having to handle the attendance.. a bit on the siao side I must say...

That Friday was my microbio lab test which went.. okay, not great.. then was off to Jusco for.. shoppin!!.. I had planned to buy a blouse to match my skirt for the production and at the last minute, praise God!! I had found it, with help from Fung Lin. Grey top and black skirt.. niiice... :P
(I don't care wht 'some people say about the skirt being a curtain.. its called.. "style'.. haha..)

Then at 6+pm.. off to CHC in Adrian's proton.. I'd just like to say that it wasn't a pleasant ride- not because of my inexperience in driving auto and weird Malaysian car setting.. well, to cut the long story short- Words should be handled with care... and patience is silence but painful to bear.

Well.. back to the story.. there we were, me, Roland and Tong.. watching on projector.. haha! Funny from start to finish.. Girls meet boys.. emotion, drama, comedy.. I'm just waiting for the CD to come out so I can watch again and again and again... Even bought an extra.. just going to give it away to someone.. hmm...

I was pretty amazed that I was able to stand in heels for that 2 hours plus.. though I felt it later that night.. ouch! Anyways.. it was a great and awesome weekend.. new friends to boot too..


~(^_^)~ Alice

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