Sunday, June 1, 2008

Men vs Women

And the Lord brought forth Eve from part of Adam...
The sermon today was hilarious..never seen pastor act this was before.. he was more "nuts" than usual.. ( which I could Relate.. haha).. The sermon of Relationships..

1. men and women are different.
2. Husbands, Love your wives.
3. Wives, submit to your husbands.
4. Wifes, don't NAG him like a kid and expect him to live like a man.
5. Men, learn to listen.
6. Women, need to talk.
7. Men need to retreat.
8. Women forgive in parts (instalments)
9. Men forgive in whole...

Marriage is not a contract, where couples enter into it for gain. It is rather a covenant, a commitment that is permanent, founded upon faith and trust upon God and each other..
-marriage involves emotion but it is not emotional.
-marriage involves fights but it is not a war.
-marriage involves compromise but it is not blind.
-marriage involves logic but it is not purely intellectual.
-marriage involves chemistry but also character.

Falling in Love feels like a fantasy yet True Love is not about falling in Love but also staying in Love.

Communication in marriage.. the most important rule of communications is Discovery before Decision... listening does not amount to conscent.. so listen 1st....

Men and Women are wired differently..
Women's principle: Let's make things better!!
Men's principle: If it ain't broken, don't touch it!!

A man values.....
>>Man is created to have authority (to rule and to lead), to have work (career) and to have achievement (success) in life.
>>"competency" and "efficiency"... or "usefulness" is very meaningful..its very big thing to men!!
(A man needs to know that he is useful)
>>A man's sense of self-worth is defined through his ability to achieve results.....

A woman values....
>>A man is project-based but a woman is Feeling-based.
Eve was created as a helper, a companion.. different from Adam but equal to him, with a different calling in life.
>So, by nature, being "feeling-based" a woman values love (affection), beauty, and
A woman's life is about sharing of emotion and feelings... no need solutions..

So when a wife comes home and shares her problem, she is merely sharing her feelings..husbands, no need for solutions, it's not important to answer..just listen!!

The secret of doing things right is in the timing-to know when to speak and how to say it.. Communication is an art.. its not what you say, its how you say it..

Men are motivated and empowered when they are needed and when their need is required. Women are motivated and empowered when they are loved and cherished.

Men want Respect and women want Appreciation...

COMPROMISE is not a negative word!!

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