Saturday, October 17, 2009


"Yesterday was Today,
Today was a Tomorrow,
Tomorrow is now Today.
Like a Tomorrow,
Like Yesterday's day,
Today, shall be another day.."

If heaven shows me a sight worthwhile,
A point of time in just awhile,
My lifelong dream I've always known,
As if its me, just like my own.

Alas, its a Mystery,
An unrevealed History,
Unravelled and hidden,
Waiting to be written.

A friend tugged my heart,
A question set apart,
All so curiously keen,
"Where have you been?"

"Nowhere," I quoted,
"I see" He noted.
Again as curiously keen,
"Where have you been?"

I did not know when,
He searched for me then,
Yet He still had to ask
Though He knew where I was.

It was not my location,
Nor was it my position.
He wanted something else.
An answer, nothing else.

"Tell me your everything,
Your hurts and sorrows,
You see it burdening
Yet I'd still follow

With you I'm running,
Don't you wallow,
Just keep on fighting,
For all tomorrows."



Anonymous said...

Nice one Alice.

A Lice in Wonderland said...

Thanks bro.. just had the mood for a poem that time.. :)

swinnix said...
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