I want to learn Guitar!!!
I only realised that our cell group are musicians.. (yes.. I'm a bit slow..) haha..
Sosososo...Lets count who plays guitar ... Raymond, Francis, Diming, Phoebe, Pica,
Enghui... Those who don't.. Chun Hean(Assumption), Ah Wei, Florrie, Me.. That's like 60 percent!! Man.. talk about majority..Join the crowd, I'd say.. hahaha.
Why not?
Let's see.. after exam I'll be busy with CLT, FYP, CG, E.R...hm.. I think I can slot one more in.. Guitar!!.. yess!!! muahahaha.. I want to at least have basic in strumming by the end of the year- and the major chords.. yupe yupe yupe.. muahahahha...
Man.. I gotta get some rest.. 1.56am and I got
to get ready for the wedding tomorrow..
Had a great time relaxing with W23 dearies.. Shopping, Steamboat, Cake.. Mashed Potato.. singing.. laughing.. joking.. S-squarednesses.. haha..
Ray got a new cap for his Bday.. it was a real funny display.. haha.. Jay Chou "look-alike" they said.. I just saw a funny guy waving his new cap
.. seriously.. cap+formals= hilarious.. well.. I've never..NEVER.. seen Ray wear a cap before.. Here he is..

Hmm.. needs more hair on the sides- eh? Well.. the resolution ain't that good on a phone cam.. If he put on a phunky set; jacket and jeans I'd be laughing my guts out.. I dunno why.. The sight would just tickle my funny bone.. hahaha..
Then.. at the very end, I finally decided to try it on..
Yo Man... Cool.. hahaha..
Signing out
~A lice in Wonderland
Providing the best materials
To build Castles in the air..