I received an e-mail regarding the sichuan earthquake. I can't say that it wasn't touching, 'cause it was. May 12 2008, even I didn't actually know the date until I read the e-mail. Sometimes I wonder about my feelings of emphathy, or am I just selfish... But what I can tell you is that tragedies can show a side of the world that should have been there always. I was actually starring at this photo. This smiling boy, the strength he had in midst of the shock, unimaginable. I salute him..
Is God really trying to tell us something? The tsunami that even affected Malaysia which I never thought a natural disaster such as this would even reach this country. I was,.... dumbfounded. Yet again it brought out the goodess in people.
I now wonder, why is it that we only show the kindness in our heart for people who are in need, and not freely to all regardless whether they need it or not? Even if the people who give their donations, I do often ponder if it was out for show? Check this out...
Well I guess the first guy was a little "over".. but I do get the gesture. Kindness knows no bounds. Love is abundant. Life is so, we live as such, to never fear Life itself but fear the unlive life. If this side was the only side ot it...
Lord, there are 70,000 out there who are dead, over 20,000 who are missing and 32,000 who are injured. I venerate those who died saving others, teachers for example...parents. I don't know if the stories are true, as the media nowdays sometime get overexcited. However, I know that love is going that extra mile to a level that could even cause one's life. I hope the death toll does not increase. Bless the dead and welcome them in your presense in heaven. Bless the survivors that they may not dwell in the things they cannot undo and live on, knowing strength and perseverence in remembrance of their deceased loved ones. Give anointing to those volunteers who help and aid the rescue operation. Those who are willing to save strangers. Only you know how I can help them, because I don't. Lead me down a path to which I can help others and see the smiles on their faces.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your Paths." proverbs 3: 5-6
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