Sunday, May 24, 2009

Usherer- The beginner's manual

This is a note- written based on the experiences (3, so far) I have encountered. I'll put it in the list, what I've learnt by observation and first hand.

1. TEAMWORK. I like this word. Its not about doing your job, but working together to get things done through helping and encouraging each other grow to be more efficient in serving.
2. FAST. Being fast is one thing, you also need to know what to do and when to do it.
3. THINK FAST. Spontaneity is quite essential because in this ministry, uncertainty can be high (over attendance, another offering,..) . We need to be ready for any situations. usually it comes with experience.
4. EFFICIENT. Thats getting the job done well and fast. Also comes with experience.
5. SPIRIT. Your motivation. The way you carry yourself can influence the queueing congregation. The right spirit in your heart can be felt and seen through your expression and effort in your ushering.
6. PROACTIVE. Don't just sit/stand around. Even if we have no clue, or have nothing to do, find something to do even if its not our assigned task. Why not help out fellow ushers? Taking this step, we learn more by experiencing first hand.
7. PURPOSE. Why do we serve in this ministry? I am serving God's people. I am ministering to God's people-helping them, guiding them and welcome them with a smile etched on my face.
8.AGGRESSIVE. Be kind but agressive. Polite but strict. To get things in order.
9. DECISIVE. Don't take too long to make a move. You can't control the incoming crowd. Take things as they are and act on it on the spot. Don't be afraid to make a choice. If you are wrong, then learn from it.
10. SHARP. Know who needs what, where is the seating, .. be observant.


Saturday, May 23, 2009

Smile and Lead

If you think ushering is easy.. its not. So far no major problems with anything yet. Only my second time and its Rev Dr Kong Hee's service!! Waaa..... thats a whole lot of people coming in.. and tonight's another round!!

I really admire their spirit. I think they have sort of a theme- "Usherers are there to solve problems" specifically the seating problems. Making sure its all in order and everyone gets a seat. Haha.. I was blur. It seems this happens a lot when the uncertainty overwhelms. I was always the observer and still new at this, I thrusted into the field with no experience. Well, learning first hand is the best...

Yesterday was a taste of something of the future.. I stood through the entire service- smelly shoes and all. Nice view though from the console... should have taken a picture..

Yesterday- 1 Samuel 17. The 5 smooth stones that can beat the Goliath's in our life.
Stone of - the past, prayer, priority, passion and persistence. (talk more later)

Today's another round.. going to do my best. gtg get ready soon.. haha..

Preparing my heart,